32 new cutting-edge imaging technologies were introduced in Euro-BioImaging portfolio

Euro-BioImaging has made substantial advancements in its technology portfolio by introducing 32 new and state-of-the-art technologies into proof-of-concept study status. These cutting-edge technologies are now available to a wide user base through Euro-BioImaging Nodes, marking the first time they are accessible to the public in an open access manner. This expansion represents a significant enhancement and diversification of our technology offerings on various fronts.

One such technology, the Brillouin Light Scattering Microscopy, will be provided by Austrian BioImaging/CMI at the Medical University of Vienna. This imaging technique allows for all-optical and label-free measurements of hypersonic velocity and attenuation within a material. It enables the calculation of elastic and viscous moduli that are pertinent to disturbances at the picosecond scale. Additionally, it aids in the identification of structural symmetries.


Want to know more? Please visit the Euro-BioImaging Proof-of-Concept studies page Learn more

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