Our Networks



2021 – present

Euro-BioImaging ERIC is the European Research Infrastructure for Biological and Biomedical Imaging, awarded the landmark status by ESFRI and thus recognized as the implemented reference infrastructure in the imaging field.
Euro-BioImaging was established as an ERIC in the end of 2019.
The distributed Euro-BioImaging infrastructure builds on a set of already existing national and international centres of excellence in imaging technologies, the Euro-BioImaging Nodes, which provide physical or remote access to imaging technologies, deliver their training and support the users at all the stages of their research projects with their experienced staff.
Austrian BioImaging/CMI is the official imaging node of  within the Europeans ERIC since 2021. We cooperate and share our knowledge in many relevant topics with other 34 nodes from 16 countries.
The Nodes are jointly coordinated by the Euro-BioImaging Hub, which provides general supporting services including the management of user access, training coordination and services for image data. Access to Euro-BioImaging services takes place through the Euro-BioImaging web portal at:
Visit Euro-BioImaging website

EU-Funded Cost Action: COMULIS


2018 – 2022

The network aims at fueling urgently needed collaborations in the field of correlated multimodal imaging (CMI), promoting and disseminating its benefits through showcase pipelines, and paving the way for its technological advancement and implementation as a versatile tool in biological and preclinical research.
CMI combines two or more imaging modalities to gather information about the same specimen. It creates a composite view of the sample with multidimensional information about its macro-, meso- and microscopic structure, dynamics, function and chemical composition. Since no single imaging technique can reveal all these details, CMI is the only way to understand biomedical processes and diseases mechanistically and holistically.
Andreas Walter, the former director of Austrian BioImaging/CMI, is the chair of COMULIS. The network has four objectives:
– Establishing commonly-accepted protocols and quality standards for existing CMI approaches
– Showcasing novel CMI pipelines and bridging the gap between preclinical & biological imaging
– Fostering standardized correlation software
– Raising awareness for CMI
Visit COMULIS website

Austrian BioImaging Industry Board: ABIB


2018 – present

The Austrian Bioimaging Industry board was established to bring together all relevant austrian stakeholders involved or interested in imaging and image processing in Austria, and to foster their knowledge exchange.
With the foundation of the ABIBAustrian Bioimaging/CMI can provide a platform for concerted and coordinated efforts and information exchange between life scientists, imaging scientists, computer experts, and industry. This will drive innovation and establish a direct dialogue between industry and academia.
The objectives of ABIB are:
– To provide a platform for collaboration between science & industry
– To provide a platform for joint grant proposals
– To facilitate method/technology transfer & development
– To provide data & instrument access for companies at research sites and vice versa

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